Getting the actual phone number of your customers or sales prospects can be essential to the success of your business, in fact the phone number is the closest thing we have to a digital persona, even more than email. Through contact forms, enrollment processes and registrations, you can collect valuable information from your prospects. But these forms can also be filled with SPAM if you don't have a proper filter such as a captcha verifier.
One of the easiest ways to get a customer's phone number while filtering out bots and spam is through SMS or WhatsApp using processes such as OTP (one-time-password). With WhatsAuth you can implement an OTP to validate phone numbers in your contact forms without generating more friction to the customer, protect your contact tray from any spam, and in return the customer will be able to receive relevant and valuable information through a reliable channel.
With your customers' phone number, you can carry out more effective marketing campaigns, perform customer follow-up and support, and improve the effectiveness of your sales efforts. In addition, by having direct communication with your customers, you can better understand their needs and ensure that you are providing the best possible service.
In short, obtaining the actual phone number of your customers or sales prospects is key to the success of your business. Using WhatsAuth by SMS or WhatsApp, you can collect valuable information from your potential customers and improve the effectiveness of your marketing, sales and customer support efforts.
If you want to experiment with this strategy, we recommend you to test out the demo, or schedule a meeting with us directly to perform a proof of concept and. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your business!