
How to save more than 60% in your phone number validations while keeping a smooth experience

If you already checked the simplicity of the implementation of a one-click WhatsApp Login you can now go one step further and optimize it by reducing its cost more that 60%. 🤯

Let's assume that you are currently working at and you already implemented the WhatsApp Login 👏, probably you are proud of the super neat login flow you offer to you users, but... What if the CFO approach to you to reduce the expenses on the onboarding?

Well, this trick might become very handy. 😉

Since you have a website or mobile app where your users are logging in you you can relay on that platform to give the login feedback 🤔

It is super simple. Just avoid the response of the validation message (`response_message`) and use the `link_message` to provide the followup step of the happy path, and only in the exceptions you can respond using the `failure_message`.

Let's check an example:

This is a common flow when the user send the code and the response indicates to return to the app or website.

    curl -G \
    --location '' \
    --data-urlencode 'callback_url=' \
    --data-urlencode 'expires_at=10' \
    --data-urlencode 'link_message=Send this message to verify your phone in MyCompany' \
    --data-urlencode 'expiration_message=Sorry, this code is expired' \
    --data-urlencode 'failure_message=Oops! someting went wrong, please try again.' \
    --data-urlencode 'response_message=Welcome! Please go return to' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer MY_APIKEY'

But you can accomplish the same by asking to return to the website in the link_message and saving the cost of the response_message like this:

curl -G \
   --location '' \
   --data-urlencode 'callback_url=' \
   --data-urlencode 'expires_at=10' \
   --data-urlencode 'link_message=Send this message to verify your phone, then return to' \
   --data-urlencode 'expiration_message=Sorry, this code is expired' \
   --data-urlencode 'failure_message=Oops! someting went wrong, please contact' \
   --header 'Authorization: Bearer MY_APIKEY'

In this revised request don't set a response but still tells the users to return to the desired URL

Example message

Once the user clicks or taps on the link you can continue with the regular process.


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